Waste Behaviour Change at Trek Bicycles Australia

from trek bicyles australia

Reground conducted a three-tiered tailored waste minimisation program to help Trek Bicycles Australia achieve their sustainability goals. 

1. Discovery: Data driven waste audit & staff surveying

Reground conducted waste audits and upstream waste behaviour analysis at Trek Bicycle Melbourne sites, which provided a clear picture of Trek Bicycle Australia’s waste profile, recycling rates, unrecovered recyclables, waste setup and processes. National staff surveys supported the audits, with interstate surveys helping build a comprehensive picture of Trek Bicycle Australia. 

2. Analysis: Waste Minimisation Plan

We developed a detailed Waste Minimisation Plan for Trek Bicycle Australia . This included  optimisation for additional recycling streams, recycling streams infrastructure, and opportunities for upstream waste reduction and aim of r staff education. 

3. Transformation: Staff Education Program

Reground produced a four part video series educating staff how to change waste behaviour at Trek. Staff education videos were used nationally, and have been integrated into staff inductions, ensuring that these changes are permanent. Staff walked away from the program with an understanding about waste and recycling, feeling empowered to make the right decisions at work and at home. 

Next Steps: Implementing infrastructure

Following the success of the waste minimisation plan and education series, Trek employed Reground to introduce a series of infrastructure across Trek stores to help guide staff and sustain the changes created through the education series


"I couldn't be happier with the hard work Reground have put in for our bicycle company, they have provided us with some solid data, an educational program and a fantastic waste minimization plan, thank you Reground!" 

Mark from Trek AU, Retail Team on the national education and waste minimisation project.


Brimbank Circular Economy Innovations Precinct